GOP Draws Sloppy-Ass Map Proposals, Attempts to Grab More Power in Washington

That said, on that score, there's room for improvement all around. Andrew Hong, a spokesperson for Redistricting Justice for Washington (RJW), which aims for greater representation of POC in this process, said the group would like to see the commissioners draw the Muckleshoot nation into the 47th LD. "That's a community of color that’s been drawn into a very white rural district that doesn't share the same interests and priorities with the 31st LD," he said.

Over in eastern Washington, Hong praised [Commissioners] Sims and Walkinshaw for drawing districts that have majorities of voting-age Latinos and criticized Graves and Fain for drawing districts that wouldn't have that level of representation. Though the GOP proposals would create a nominally majority Latino district in the 15th LD, it wouldn't be when considering the number of eligible Latino voters. "We believe that is a potential violation of the Voting Rights Act," Hong said, in reference to the way the GOP commissioners treated the 14th and 15th LDs.

The proposed RJW maps also created a majority POC district in Snohomish county up in the 21st LD, but none of the commissioners followed suit there.

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When it comes to redistricting in WA, gridlock might be a good thing


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