Opinion: Seattle residents have a unique, once-a-decade opportunity to shape our political destinies through redistricting

By Joseph Shoji Lachman

As someone who for years has lived in and worked with people and organizations in Seattle’s Chinatown-International District in City Council District 2, I’ve come to appreciate this diverse and vibrant community, but I’ve also witnessed its unique struggles as one of the few majority POC areas of Seattle. We’re grappling with issues of gentrification, displacement, public health and safety among other things while also just trying to live our daily lives. Our city government has an impact on the said daily lives of residents that cannot be understated. Historically, communities in District 2 including Asian Americans, Black folks, and other people of color have disproportionately been denied opportunities to shape our city government and our own political destinies. However, this year, for the first time Seattle residents have a unique, once-in-a-decade opportunity to be a part of that process through redistricting.

Members of the Redistricting Justice for Seattle (RJS) Coalition are fighting to ensure communities’ of color voting rights are protected this redistricting cycle such as those in Yesler Terrace and the Chinatown-International District, which are currently split between two districts. The numerous…

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