The Stranger: Redistricting the South End Is a Civil Rights Issue

A photo of Andrew Hong holding a Tammy Morales campaign sign

Andrew Hong is a lifelong South Seattleite who’s spent the last several years organizing campaigns across King County for Working Families Party, statewide coalitions, youth activist groups, and progressive champions such as Tammy Morales and Kirsten Harris-Talley.

When I tell people I’ve just met that I was born and raised in the South End of Seattle, a set of ideas of where I come from and what I’ve experienced step between us, coloring what I say next. Before I even finish my introduction, I can see in their eyes how they’ve already begun to tell a story of who I am. Sure, they see me—but they’ve heard stories. And, more often than not, they make "cultural" assumptions about the people I call my family and my neighbors….

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WA redistricting efforts aim to give more power to people of color